Interview with Davina Daras | GBPW Episode 2

1 min read

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Davina Daras.

You’re creating because you love it. As long as you have that drive then I think you’re capable of creating anything because it’s not about the equipment, it’s not about your following or how many people are going to look at it. It’s about you as an artist and what you put into it that’s going to make it a captivating image.”

Davina Daras

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Davi’s artistic skills and all of the incredible things she has achieved
  • Working with what you have and taking amazing photos no matter what
  • How you can combine different types of art and keep yourself inspired
  • The effects of social media on mental health and creativity

& much more!

Check out Davina’s work:

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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.

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