Creative Photoshoot Ideas You Can Try Today | GBPW Episode 176

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Quick summary

The photography world is filled with possibilities that can boost your skills and help you take incredible photographs. This episode will introduce you to a few practical ideas that could help you take creative and inspiring photographs anywhere.

woman holding film camera in studio

The idea that you try today could lead to an original photograph or an exciting new discovery. It’s possible to find inspiration in the simplest places, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

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Film camera and film rolls sitting on table

In this episode, I share a few fun photoshoot ideas that you can try today. Most of these ideas are practical and easy, but they might spark some new ideas or inspire you to take more photographs!

We talk about:

  • Artistic ideas to try during your photoshoots
  • How to collaborate with people online
  • Why leaving your comfort zone can boost your productivity as a photographer

& much more!

I hope that this episode motivates you to try something new today. From collaborations with fellow photographers to abstract glass effects, this episode has everything you need to get started creatively this week.

Here is a preview of this episode.

Close-up of Sony camera screen

Use In-Camera Filters

Fujifilm cameras already have these, and they can help you take outstanding photos without needing to edit your photos in any other program. If you don’t have a Fujifilm camera, you can just experiment with the standard filters that your camera already has.

Aside from black and white filters, cameras usually have a lot of interesting effects that you can play with to make your images pop or look more saturated.

Some of the filters might seem a bit extreme, but I think that they’re a great way to leave your comfort zone, discover new colour styles, and familiarise yourself with an unconventional way of taking photos.

Studio shot of professional camera

Rent/Borrow a Camera

This is a little bit more challenging and might involve spending some money. However, if you have the chance to borrow a friend’s camera or rent another camera, don’t hesitate!

Chances are that you’re not used to the settings and buttons of another camera, so you’ll feel like a beginner again. This can be a refreshing feeling, especially if you’ve been using the same equipment for years. This might be the creative boost you need to discover inspiration!

Abstract glass effect idea for photographers

Shoot Through Glass

Shooting through glass will create an interesting abstract effect. Hold the glass in front of your lens or partially cover the lens with it so that a part of the frame is still sharp and clear. By glass, I mean the glass you drink from, but you can also use eyeglasses.

This will work best if you shoot against a source of light.

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Take Away

No matter how experienced you are, it’s important to regularly leave your comfort zone and try new things. This can help you in many ways, from improving your skills to meeting new people. If you try some of the ideas suggested in this episode, you’ll be one step closer to becoming a better and more creative photographer.

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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.

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