Interview with Jay Rowden | GBPW Episode 134

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Jay Rowden.

Now so more than ever, there’s such huge pressure to be investing in the latest equipment. It’s totally unnecessary. When you look back at the most amazing photographers of the 20th century, they were using beaten-up old cameras.

Jay Rowden

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This episode is all about wedding and experimental photographer Jay Rowden! Jay has been taking elegant wedding photographs for over a decade. He also has a diverse portfolio that focuses on genres such as fashion photography, portrait photography, and 21st Century photography, all of which will be covered in this episode.

We talk about:

  • Jay Rowden’s 21st Century Imagery, which is inspired by paintings
  • How to create artistic motion blur in photography
  • The importance of specialising in one photography genre

& much more!

Jay Rowden is an innovative photographer with a very impressive portfolio. This is a great episode for anyone who wants to improve their wedding photography skills or simply get a boost of inspiration from a very artistic person.

Here is a preview of our conversation with Jay Rowden.

Q: What advice would you give to photographers who specialise in multiple genres?

Jay Rowden: My bread and butter has always been my wedding work. I chose to focus on on the wedding work because I love people and I love the storytelling. I seem to thrive in that high pressure environment.

Personally, rightly or wrongly, I have always seen the value in specialising in one thing. There’s a real danger that if you cast your creative net too wide, you end up spreading yourself too thin and you end up being the jack of all trades and the master of none. The most famous photographers around the world specialise in one thing.

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring wedding photographers who want to have a stress-free shooting experience?

Jay Rowden: I never get stressed on the day of the wedding and I think the secret is being organised. There’s no way you could turn up to a wedding as a photographer and wing it. You’ve got to be really organised.

I constantly have the communication channels open. Occasionally, you will have a bride who’s very worried about stuff, so it’s really important to keep the communication channels open with her. A few days before the wedding, we’ll talk about the timing and every single element of the day, especially if it involves me. That is the absolute key.

Q: If you could go back and give yourself one piece of photography advice, what would it be?

Jay Rowden: The best advice I would give myself would be to just make lots and lots and lots of pictures. Ansel Adams, the great landscape photographer, said 12 significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.

Photography is a numbers game, so you’ve got to take a lot of photos to get something really truly amazing. The more you take, the more likely it is that you’re going to create a piece of magic.

21st Century Photography

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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.

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