Interview with Karrah Kobus | GBPW Episode 117

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Karrah Kobus.

Consistency is a good thing to have, but I don’t think it means that everything has to look the same. I don’t think it means that you have to choose some style, define it explicitly, and never change.

Karrah Kobus

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Our 365 Days of Photography Course is the ultimate learning experience for new photographers and even those with some experience. This course, presented in bite-sized lessons, teaches you the essentials of photography and beyond.

This week’s episode is all about Karrah Kobus, a family and wedding photographer who has been taking photos for over a decade. Karrah started out on a popular photography website, Flickr, where she shared conceptual portraits. Today, she takes natural and optimistic photos of families and couples. Her art resonates with many and is a great source of inspiration in the photography world.

We talk about:

– Wedding and family photography

– How motherhood has changed her creativity

– Tips to have a successful wedding photoshoot

& much more!

Karrah’s organic approach to photography has allowed her to take photos that amaze her clients. She has a lot of interesting information to share about wedding and family photography in this episode. Tune in to find out what trick she uses to have a smooth wedding photoshoot every single time!

Here is a preview of our conversation with Karrah Kobus.

Q: How has your role as a mother affected your photography? 

Karrah Kobus: Motherhood has really been the most defining factor of my life the last four years. I think it’s affected my creativity in a way that I never would say that I expected. But it does make perfect sense. 

I didn’t expect it, but it’s just how you would think it would affect it. To me, motherhood is currently my primary creative outlet. I look at it as an art form. Motherhood is art. It was just yesterday that I was sitting on the floor with my friend and talking about this very thing: I look at motherhood as an emotional dance. 

I feel like motherhood starts off kind of chaotic. There’s no choreography. It’s like your arms are moving fast and your feet are off the ground more often than not. The record is probably even skipping. Eventually, you see your partner. You really see them, you meet them, and your fingertips touch gently. Suddenly, the music slows. It’s not skipping anymore, thankfully. Every movement becomes intentional and it’s more wrapped in each other. That’s just how I picture it. 

Q: Do you have any tips for busy photographers who want to be more creative? 

Karrah Kobus: My first tip would be related to other photographers who have children. I know that this tip isn’t always practical for people, and I understand that there’s a lot of difficult life situations that people are in. 

If you have a way to separate your work from mothering, and keeping it totally separate, I think that would be my best advice. When I’m with my daughter, I don’t work. I don’t even check my phone. It’s on silent. It’s on Do Not Disturb. I’m with my daughter when I’m with my daughter, and I work when I work. I don’t mix the two. I think that helps keep both of those things feeling very invigorating and fresh. I’m focused on it, and I’m where I’m supposed to be.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to get better at organising wedding photoshoots? 

Karrah Kobus: When someone books with me, I put their name down and I put the wedding date. I’ll just check off the extra things that they might have booked with me. It’s pretty basic. It’s probably only 15 columns of information.

For the actual wedding, I’ll write down the wedding day schedule. Next to that, I’ll have a little note section, anything that was particularly important from the questionnaire that I sent them. 

I send a questionnaire a month before the wedding. Anything that really stands out is something that I definitely need to keep in mind that day. I’ll have a little note section and I’ll take a picture of that with my phone. I set that as my phone background and lock screen so that anytime I need to reference something, I just have to take my phone out of my pocket and see it right there super easily. 


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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.

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