Interview with Perrin Adams | GBPW Episode 166

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Quick summary

Perrin Adams is a wildlife photographer and digital nomad who wakes up in a different place every day. In this interview, he talks about wildlife photography, taking care of your equipment, his exciting travel adventures, and more.

Perrin Adams.

It wasn’t all sunshine and roses. I feel like I had to rewire my perception of how to function in society. One of the bigger benefits of this lifestyle is I’ve learned to live with less.

Perrin Adams

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wildlife shot of snake by Perrin Adams

In this episode, I speak with nature and wildlife photographer Perrin Adams. Perrin is a digital nomad who wakes up in a new location every day. He’s also one of’s ambassadors and writers! As an educator and avid traveller, he has a lot of fascinating stories and wisdom to share.

We talk about:

  • Perrin’s adventurous lifestyle as a digital nomad
  • Wildlife and nature photography tips
  • The benefits of joining an online photography community

& much more!

Perrin’s adventurous lifestyle and stunning photographs will inspire you to live more freely, take better care of your equipment, and embrace the raw beauty of nature.

Here is a preview of our conversation with Perrin Adams.

minimalistic nature photo by Perrin Adams

Q: Do you have any tricks for taking beautiful smartphone photos?

Perrin Adams: I am a firm believer that smartphone cameras have their time and place. I treat my smartphone as a convenient point-and-shoot that I can just whip out and take a quick photo of a scene if needed.

A good example of this is if I’m going for a hike and I don’t really feel like carrying my camera, but it’s golden hour and I’ve never been to this location. I’ll bring my smartphone just because I can capture grand scenes and use that as a reference point to come back to later.

With smartphone cameras, you don’t really need to tweak much. The auto modes in a lot of these models are pretty good. With the power of editing, you can really bring out your specific vision of the photo. The only thing that I don’t really enjoy about smartphones – and why I don’t recommend it as a main camera – is that it lacks a lot of the detail that a good piece of glass or lens will give you. This is because a lot of the heavy lifting is done by the software in the phone.

landscape photo of beach by Perrin Adams

Q: How has joining an online photography community helped you?

Perrin Adams: To put it in a nutshell, it’s helping me flex my photography wings a little more. I’m able to interact with different people, be a subject matter expert on different aspects of photography, and interact with awesome people.

It basically keeps my skills sharp in that sense. It also challenges me to be consistent with my photography in both themes and keeping up with content.

colourful long exposure shot of waterfall

Q: As someone who often travels in wild areas, what advice would you give to travelling photographers?

Perrin Adams: The biggest thing I’ve learned on this journey is how to take care of your gear. Close to a decade before doing this, I was the typical photographer that would have a camera bag. I’d throw it in my car, but most the time it would be safe in my house where nothing could reach it.

As soon as I moved into this kind of lifestyle, things needed more attention. For example, if I would sleep in the vehicle and I didn’t have it properly insulated, condensation would form. That would put moisture in the air, which would cause the lens to fog up if the temperature was too cold.

Taking care of your gear is paramount because you don’t have a safe home. There’s always a potential possibility that someone could break in and take your stuff. You need to take precautions in order to protect your gear.

(This transcript was edited for clarity and length.)


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Take Away

The life of a digital nomad comes with its pros and cons, many of which we cover in this interview. Perrin shares a lot of helpful information about wildlife photography, smartphone photography, and minimalism. We’re confident that his lifestyle and wisdom will inspire you to look at photography from a different point of view.

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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.

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