Interview with Sharon Fritz | GBPW Episode 137

3 min read

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Sharon Fritz.

I grew up with the the saying, “Good, better, best, never let it rest until your good is better and your better best.” Well, I think my photos are good, but I think they could be better. I probably want to do the best that I can do.

Sharon Fritz

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In this episode, I speak with Sharon Fritz, a hobbyist nature and landscape photographer based in Australia. Sharon is one of our most active community members! She regularly shares her photos with the group and contributes photos to our 52 Week Project. It’s been a pleasure to see her progress.

We talk about:

  • How Sharon Fritz’s grandparents inspired her to get into photography
  • Tips for taking beautiful landscape photographs
  • The benefits of joining an online photography community

& much more!

Sharon is a very enthusiastic and friendly photographer who’s always looking for ways to improve. She’s a great example of determination and creativity. If you need a boost of inspiration, this is the perfect episode for you.

Here is a preview of our conversation with Sharon Fritz.

Q: What advice would you give to photographers who want to take eye-catching landscape photographs?

Sharon Fritz: My first tip would be to use manual mode. When I started using manual mode, and I started actually doing it successfully, it made a really big difference to my photography. When I first tried manual mode, I was getting so frustrated because it took me so long to set up the photo and to get the exposure right. By persevering with it now, it has made the biggest difference to my photography. I’d say just to persevere and practice, practice, practice. It might be slow to start off with, but you will get better and you will see the difference in your photography.

Know your camera and what it can do. I may not have a flashy professional camera, but I think it still does a pretty good job. I suppose many cameras can do it, but I like that I can adjust my shutter speed, aperture, ISO, and the focus point without even taking my eye away from the viewfinder.

Q: What are the benefits of joining a photography community?

Sharon Fritz: I felt that I had stagnated a little bit and I needed a new challenge. I really wanted to challenge myself, but I also wanted to try new things and think about new things. That was one of the reasons because I thought, “If I’ve got exposure to all these other people, they’re going to be doing all these different things. I want to learn some of those things. I want to meet other photographers and get to know what their likes are, what their dislikes are, what works for them, what doesn’t work for them, and get suggestions in improving.”

Also, if you’re in a community and everybody thinks the same way, you just feel like part of something and it can help you grow.

Q: You’re also a part of our 52 Week Project. What has your experience been like as a student?

Sharon Fritz: It’s really good to be challenged and to try new things. It’s already making me think more differently and more creatively.

I like photographing landscapes and nature. I have probably never, ever thought about taking a photo of food. It’s actually making me think about how to do things more differently and creatively. I really like the saying “The comfort zone is a lovely place, but nothing ever grows there.” I’m learning new things that I might not have thought about or tried previously.

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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.

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