Photographer of the Month: Viktoria Haack

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Viktoria Haack

Viktoria Haack is originally from the UK but now calls British Columbia home. Her photography journey has taken her to many beautiful destinations as a landscape photographer, including breathtaking locations around Canada. She focuses on the natural environment that surrounds her to create stunning online and print publications. Heavily influenced by fine art and anthropology, Viktoria’s work brings a unique perspective to the natural world.

Through her work as a wedding photographer, she is able to capture a story in every image that she uses her creativity to apply to not only portrait photography but landscape as well.

Her work has been published by numerous media outlets around the globe online and in print, including the BBC, CBC, N Photo Magazine, Outdoor Photography, Practical Photography, Photo Life, Canadian Geographic, Vogue Italia, and the cover of Digital Photo.

Viktoria Haack photography.

Tell us a little bit more about how nature influences your work?

Nature influences almost every aspect of my work. From the environment to the seasons to different weather conditions. I absolutely love the natural world and find myself out in nature almost every day. As a landscape and nature photographer, I’m always extremely inspired by nature, but it is also the catalyst for many of my portrait style shoots as well.

The more time I’ve spent in nature, the more I’ve come to realize that we are intrinsically connected: There is no separation between us. When we understand this, we understand that everything is in its right place. When we lose our connection to nature, I feel like we also lose connection to ourselves.

Walk us through your process when setting up for a shoot, how do you decide on locations? How do you prepare?

I shoot many different genres of photography, and they are all a little different to prepare for. When photographing landscapes and nature; I will often take notice of weather forecasts but have ultimately learned that what often looks like the most inopportune circumstances for a shoot, can sometimes turn out to be unexpectedly wonderful.

So although I may look at weather forecasts and sometimes apps that predict sunset/sunrise conditions, I very often just go out anyway and see what presents itself. I then have to learn to adapt to the conditions and perhaps shoot in a very different way than I expected which can be quite challenging but also creatively stimulating.

When preparing for portrait-style shoots, I will often opt for softer light towards the beginning or end of the day and take note of the direction of the light so that I know which way my model/client may potentially be facing. 

Where is your favorite location to shoot?

I don’t think I have an absolute favorite, but I am very partial to mountains, so I guess they would probably count as my favorites.

Viktoria Haack.

The best advice you have ever been given when it comes to photography?

Shoot what interests you.

What would you go back and tell your younger photographer self?

Relax, don’t sweat the small stuff.

What marketing advice do you have for other photographers?

Treat people with respect, take time to listen, to respond, they could be your next client. 

What gear do you typically use?

I shoot with Nikon cameras and lenses. I have recently moved across to shooting the mirrorless system, and currently, my go-to cameras are the Nikon Z7 and Nikon Z6ii. Hard to say which are my favorite lenses as I use a variety of different shooting genres and conditions.


Why do you love photography?

It allows me to tune out the noise, to be fully present, to pay attention to what’s around me. To be in nature and to be ‘working’ is one of the greatest joys I have experienced. It really has been a life-changer for me. I owe photography so much!

What is the role of photography in today’s society?

Hmmm, that’s a really tough question. It has so many different roles: As a form of inspiration, it can challenge us to think differently, it has the ability to work as a tool to aid in mental health and wellness, so many different possible roles.

How has photography changed you as a person?

It has allowed me to channel my love of art and nature. It has caused me to slow down, to experience things more deeply, and it has allowed me to have a job that couldn’t be more fulfilling which ultimately makes me extremely happy.

landscape photography by Viktoria Haack.

Advice for becoming a photography ambassador for different brands?

Don’t partner with brands and companies that don’t sit well with you, even though they may be offering you money. Try to partner with brands and companies that you truly believe in, that way you are authentic in your partnerships, no matter how small those partnerships may be.

Viktoria Haack photography.

Any books, courses, social media you would like to share with readers?

The Business of Photography course, available through the workshop section of my website – aimed at helping anyone who is looking to make a full or partial income from their photography.

Viktoria Haack landscape images.

Social media:



We hope you enjoyed diving into the photography world of Viktoria Haack, if you enjoyed reading about her you may also enjoy our podcast episode on Great Big Photography World Podcast where she speaks with our very own Taya Lv.

Lastly, a big thank you goes out to Viktoria Haack for taking the time to speak with us and share her photography education and background. Her images serve as a reminder to stay creative and what the natural world brings to our lives.

Krystal Kenney is an award-winning photographer residing in Paris, France. She has been photographing for over 10 years and enjoys teaching others about the craft. She spends most days shooting events, portraits, and weddings around Paris and working on writing new books.
Krystal Kenney is an award-winning photographer residing in Paris, France. She has been photographing for over 10 years and enjoys teaching others about the craft. She spends most days shooting events, portraits, and weddings around Paris and working on writing new books.

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