Interview with Whitney Justesen on Photography Trends

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© Whitney Justesen
Whitney Justesen.


Country: Germany

Photography Genres: Portrait, Wedding, Lifestyle, Travel and Fashion Photography

Favorite Camera Brand: Canon

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What’s in your camera bag?

  • 2 Canon 5D Mark III’s
  • 24-700mm Canon lens
  • 35mm Canon lens
  • 50mm Canon lens
  • 85mm Canon lens
  • Three flashes
  • Several light stands

Where do you get the latest news on new gear? Where do You usually buy new gear?

I research through various Facebook groups, online discussion boards, and word of mouth from other photographers. If I buy a new gear, it’s either at professional photography stores, online (i.e., BH Photo, Amazon), or through other trusted photographers.

How is photography making the world a better place in 2024?

I believe that photography always makes the world a better place. To be able to capture human relationships, beautiful landscapes, and important life events is one of the most amazing things I have ever been able to do in my life. Even though the world of photography is constantly changing and improving in new ways, I think that photography will be around forever as a profession and innovation.

bride and groom by Whitney Justesen.
© Whitney Justesen.

It’s clear that the innovation of AI tools in photography is certainly making an impression on the photo world, and so I can see that becoming more and more implemented into our profession in the near future. While I have mixed feelings about AI as a whole, I think there will be some important improvements and tools that will benefit photographers going forward.

If you could pick a photography mentor in 2024, who would you pick? Why?

I always go to my friends Elizabeth Gadd and Joel Robison when I need advice or want to learn more about stepping into my photography potential. They’re some of my dearest friends, and they’re such incredible mentors.

When I need mentoring in the wedding photography field, I have a few friends I always turn to, including Nataly Zigdon, Paige Nelson, Nessie Todd, Kirsten Weimer, and Safeena Padder. I am part of a pretty big photography network, so I am lucky to have several friends and teachers to go to whenever I need help.

The unavoidable question: How do you see the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning impacting photography in 2024?

There’s clearly been so many new uses for AI in photography recently, and it’s all happening so fast. I can see how it can be beneficial, and I do see a lot of exciting potential for editing when it comes to generative fill and AI noise reduction, but there are still some things that make me nervous.

I am worried that large corporations, which would normally pay photographers a large amount of money for their work, will choose to use AI on their projects instead, and the photographers will be pushed out. Much remains to be seen, of course, but it’ll be interesting in the next few years.

fashion model by Whitney Justesen.
© Whitney Justesen.

I really love learning from Masterclass, as well as photo workshops given by my friends and mentors. I’ve never been one to read many books about photography, as I’d prefer to chat one-on-one with my photography friends about their experiences and learn that way.

What is your go-to method for overcoming creative block and finding inspiration in 2024?

Sometimes, I feel like I’m in a constant state of creative block if I’m honest. When I feel that way, I try to get outside and do a photo shoot that’s purely for myself. Usually, that’s conceptual self-portraits, but at times, I also try to go out into the city and just photograph what I see with a creative eye. That helps me to get out of my rut and enjoy photography for what it is — not what society or culture expects it to be.

If you could give one piece of advice to a beginner in photography, what would it be?

The best advice I would give someone starting out in photography is to build a community of photographers around them. I would not be anywhere near where I am today with my work or my life without the friendships I formed from the very beginning. I have learned so much from them, have been on many adventures, and have truly been made better because of them. I truly believe that these friends are the sole reason I’ve stuck with photography for so long.

Whitney Justesen.

Photography will be around forever as a profession and innovation.

Whitney Justesen

What is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness as a photographer in 2024?

I know this is a cheat answer, but I think one of my biggest strengths is also, in a way, one of my biggest weaknesses. I have a knack for various photography styles, ranging from capturing human beings to natural landscapes to fine art to interior spaces. Because of that, I also have a hard time narrowing down my focus and not knowing which direction to take my talents.

What is the most important factor to consider when choosing a photography niche or specialization in 2024?

This is going to contradict what I said in an earlier response, where I mentioned my biggest weakness is not being able to choose a niche. I actually think a photographer shouldn’t have to stick to one niche — I think it’s okay to try a lot of different things with their work and see where that leads them. Of course, when it comes to professional work, there is a benefit to figuring out one particular style or genre and honing in on that, but I think it’s easier to figure that out when you try a lot of different things first.

© Whitney Justesen.

Is there anything else you would like to add or any final thoughts you would like to share about your artistic journey, inspirations, or the impact you hope to make through your photography?

I am so grateful for my photography journey — it’s been incredible in so many ways, and it’s changed my life for the better. I would never have made the friends I now have, would never have built my career, moved across the ocean, or traveled the world the way I have. I hope anyone considering getting into photography and building a career with it will run toward their goals with full force.

  • Which social media platform do you use the most as a photographer?
    — Instagram
  • Will you use or experiment with NFT in 2024?
    — No
  • Do you think the always-improving cameras on smartphones will result in less work for professional photographers in 2024?
    — No
  • Which online platform or marketplace is currently the best for photographers to sell their work and reach a wider audience?
    — I’ve been using Adobe Stock, Arcangel Images, and Trevillion to sell my images.
  • Name one unconventional source of inspiration that photographers should explore for fresh ideas in 2024.
    — I hope photographers will take advantage of smaller, lesser-known cities to visit and explore for their photographs rather than the trendy, overly traveled cities that everyone is visiting right now.
  • Favourite Photographer in 2024?
    — I have really been loving Bogan Ianosi’s (@lightistic on Instagram) dreamy travel film work lately, and it’s inspiring me so much.
  • Favourite photography digital tool in 2024?
    — Creating and using presets with Lightroom.
  • What is your motto for 2024?
    — “Remember why you started.”
  • Which photography trend will dominate the industry in 2024?
    — AI – though I don’t fully love that, unfortunately.
  • Name one unconventional source of inspiration that photographers should explore for fresh ideas in 2024.
    — I think photographers should pay better attention to the small moments, the simple spaces, and the less-commonly visited spots for their photos — sometimes inspiration strikes in the most unlikely ways.
  • Who to follow on social media or take inspiration from in 2024?
    — I particularly like the way David Urbanke shares his editorial portrait + fashion work through individual photos and reels.

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Perrin lives as a nomad in Canada and spends his time shooting landscape photography while exploring the wilderness. Throughout his career, Perrin has been a wedding, portrait, and product photographer. However, his passion always leads him back to the outdoors, where he teaches people how to photograph and interact with the natural world.
Perrin lives as a nomad in Canada and spends his time shooting landscape photography while exploring the wilderness. Throughout his career, Perrin has been a wedding, portrait, and product photographer. However, his passion always leads him back to the outdoors, where he teaches people how to photograph and interact with the natural world.

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