Interview with Joe Redski | GBPW Episode 181

2 min read

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A portrait image by Joe Redski
Quick summary

Join me for this episode as I talk to UK street photographer Joe Redski about his journey from still-life to street-life. We also talk about his YouTube channel, some of the gear he uses, and how various influences in his life help inspire his photography.

A self portrait of Joe Redski

You just have to get out there and do it I think. That’s the only way you can really build confidence, the more you do it the more it becomes second nature.

Joe Redski

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A candid street photo by Joe Redski

This episode features Joe Redski, a street photographer based in the UK. Joe has dabbled in a few genres but has since focused on street photography. He also has a YouTube channel where he provides valuable insight into everything street photography.

We talk about:

  • How his rare arm disability helped fuel his passion
  • The journey from still-life to street photographer
  • The future of his YouTube channel

& much more!

Joe and I have a down to earth conversation about many aspects of photography and even about life itself.

Here is a preview of my conversation with Joe.

A street photo by Joe Redski

Q: What makes a compelling street photo to you?

Joe Redski: It can be anything as long as there’s good light and as long as there’s some elements of composition that work.

A street photo by Joe Redski

Q: How do you navigate the ethical considerations of of photographing strangers while you’re out there?

Joe Redski: You are allowed to take photos (in a public place) until you’re not allowed to take photos. For me, the only ethics is if somebody doesn’t want their photo taken and specifically points it out. Today, I was going through the photos that I took earlier on and 2 people were looking at me as I was taking a photo from the window. I could just see from their faces that they didn’t want their photo taken. So I’m not going to use them.

A street photo by Joe Redski

Q: But do you have any any people even if it’s not a photographer that inspire you?

Joe Redski: I’d say Stanley Kubrick, I love his art, I just love how he is. How he framed his shots and the symmetry even though it’s not always that easy to come by stuff like that in street photography, his work is kind of imprinted on my mind. I think that’s one of the reasons why I had a natural flair for composition. Also, David Lynch is pure atmosphere. His films are kind of pure atmosphere and and that’s what I try to convey. The main thing I want to convey in my photos is atmosphere and I get that from a mixture of filmmakers.


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Take Away

This insightful episode has shown that street photography is accessible to anyone and the only limitation is your mind. Be sure to find inspiration in the things around you and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

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Perrin lives as a nomad in Canada and spends his time shooting landscape photography while exploring the wilderness. Throughout his career, Perrin has been a wedding, portrait, and product photographer. However, his passion always leads him back to the outdoors, where he teaches people how to photograph and interact with the natural world.
Perrin lives as a nomad in Canada and spends his time shooting landscape photography while exploring the wilderness. Throughout his career, Perrin has been a wedding, portrait, and product photographer. However, his passion always leads him back to the outdoors, where he teaches people how to photograph and interact with the natural world.

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