Interview with Adam Riemer | GBPW Episode 147

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Adam Riemer

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In this episode, I speak with photographer and marketing expert Adam Riemer. Adam runs his own marketing company and takes beautiful smartphone photos in his free time. In his life, photography is an opportunity to express himself and relax.

We talk about:

  • Marketing information that every photographer should know
  • The benefits of joining an affiliate program
  • How to take creative photos using your smartphone camera

& much more!

Adam has a lot of experience as a marketing expert, so he knows what photographers need to make their businesses stand out. If you want to get a better understanding of marketing, smartphone photography, or setting boundaries, this episode is perfect for you!

Here is a preview of our conversation with Adam Riemer.

Q: What advice would you give to photographers who want to market themselves more effectively?

Adam Riemer: To market yourself more effectively, you’ve got to sell what you do, but to the clients. Instead of talking about yourself, your needs, and what inspires you, talk to them about why they would want to engage with you.

The same goes for selling artwork. Instead of talking about why you are an artist, talk about the way that the art can fit in within their lifestyles. Who’s going to benefit? [Let them know] if it’s a signature piece that should be highlighted versus something that’s a long print that can be replaced easily every few months.

It’s important to talk about what inspired the photo because you want to get that person excited, but it’s also important to talk about their needs and how it’s going to make them happy from day to day and year after year. That’s the difference. You want to cater it to your users’ needs. Let them know why you’re the right person to hire, but talk to them about themselves.

Q: What are your top smartphone photography tips?

Adam Riemer: Smartphones are interesting because they’re so thin and tiny. I’ve been setting my phone inside cracks, holes, and walls as long as it’s not a damaged structure and won’t do it.

I can actually create weird angles and get inside places that aren’t available if you have a camera with a lens and a base. It creates some really cool shots.

Q: What are some of the benefits of joining an affiliate program?

Adam Riemer: There’s a lot of benefits for being an affiliate as a photographer. If you’re a wedding photographer, you’re going to have clients asking about ways to save money, especially if they don’t have an events planner. You can become an affiliate for bachelorette and wedding supplies. You can also use it to help with bookings for hotels. There’s a lot of ways you can make money by helping your clients find the right resources.

If you lead workshops or even walking tours, you can join the SmugMug affiliate programme. One of the benefits there is if you sign up other members, they’re going to have unlimited photo storage. They can upload from any connected device. That way, if a memory card goes missing, you don’t have to lose your images while you’re on the workshop. Plus, you can track progress. If you’re not a professional, you can sit there and upload year by year, folder by folder, and theme by theme.

There’s a lot of different ways. It just depends on the niche.


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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer, 500px ambassador, and host of Great Big Photography World podcast.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer, 500px ambassador, and host of Great Big Photography World podcast.

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