Interview with Emily Supiot | GBPW Episode 133

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Emily Supiot.

There’s no end point where you’re suddenly going to beat all these photographers. It’s just you versus you.

Emily Supiot

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In this episode, I speak with children and family photographer Emily Supiot. Emily is also a photography educator who seeks to make the shooting process easier for everyone. Her work is bright and dreamy, a combination that has attracted thousands of people to her portfolio.

We talk about:

  • Tips for aspiring children and family photographers
  • Making the most of your camera equipment
  • How Emily Supiot makes time for everything in her life

& much more!

Emily has four children and multiple businesses. She handles everything in her life beautifully. If you want to boost your confidence as a photographer, make sure to listen to this episode. Emily shares a lot of helpful tricks related to cameras, business, and posing in this episode!

Here is a preview of our conversation with Emily Supiot.

Q: What tips would you give to somebody who is just starting out and wants to capture beautiful memories with their family?

Emily Supiot: I want you first to realise that getting that camera alone isn’t going to achieve the results that you think that they will. You have to learn how to use your camera. That starts with manual mode. Focus on learning those aspects in manual mode and what each one of those things does.

Don’t focus on learning everything that’s on your camera. If you pick one thing, pick manual mode right now and figure out how to get that to work for you.

When you’re working with kids, you’re going to realise quickly that your kids don’t always want to have their picture taken. If you always have that camera up in their face, they’re not going to like it after a while. You want to make sure that you’re very respectful of your kids when you take their picture.

Q: What is the most fulfilling thing about being a photography business owner?

Emily Supiot: We capture life, we capture people, we capture kids! We have the superpower to freeze time. It’s really cool.

I love looking at the pictures of my kids that I took when they were much younger. My oldest son is in high school now. I’ve got these beautiful pictures of him from the time he was young. Being a business owner, I know that when I take pictures of other people, I’m creating memories for them as well. There’s a lot of clients I have that I’ve been working with for maybe even 10 years now.

Q: How do you juggle everything as a mother, photographer, and business owner?

Emily Supiot: I have to be very intentional. The answer is I don’t have the time. I don’t juggle things, but I choose what is most important and what I need to get done.

When I am doing things with my kids, I’m not choosing to get on and check emails, market my business, edit pictures, etc. The same thing with my business, I’m not trying to help my kids with their homework. They know when it’s my office hours and it’s my my business time. I don’t try to merge the two, so I have to make sure that I’m very intentional with what I am doing and when I am doing it.


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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer, 500px ambassador, and host of Great Big Photography World podcast.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer, 500px ambassador, and host of Great Big Photography World podcast.

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