Photography Lighting Courses

When you first begin exploring how to use photography lighting, it can be quite difficult to understand how it all works. What studio lighting equipment is best for digital photography? Can I use the same lights for studio portraiture and product photography? What settings are best for photographing on a white background or outdoors? Do I need off-camera lighting or on-camera lighting for studio photography?

Taking a few free classes of well-curated lessons will help you understand what studio lighting equipment you need for the type of photos you want to take. Or you can also opt for some of the paid courses. You can reduce your frustration as you learn how to use this gear for different styles of photography lighting by taking a photography lighting course.

Flash Compensation.

Flash Compensation: What It Is and How It Works

Flash exposure compensation allows you to trim and adjust your flash output for any given scene. It’s independent of both regular exposure compensation as well as automatic exposure modes on your camera. In this guide, we will explore exactly how FEC works and how to use it for stunning results!

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Premium Photography Lighting Classes

Online video photography classes are a convenient and economical way to learn and improve your photography skills. PhotographyCourse has partnered with the top online photography instructors to offer you affordable courses.

Picking the best lighting course will help you know what studio equipment you need and how to use it. Learning how many lights you need to do a fantastic job is best by taking a few studio lighting courses and being part of our growing learning community.

class for natural light portraiture

Learn how to take beautiful and professional photos in natural light. You’ll be introduced to creative lighting techniques that will help you photograph from a fresh perspective.

Led by award-winning photographer Kevin LJ, this class will teach you how to achieve professional results, and provide all the expert advice you need to master taking portraits in natural light.

  1. Fantastic site. Continue to enlighten us with your expertise in the field. A boon for people like myself who are not familiar with the nuances of the subject but love photography.

  2. Seems awfully steep for a warranty. Warranties are just about always just insurance to make things easier in the case that your camera happens to break. With camera repair centers being available, the fact that you probably will want a new camera in another 4 years, and you’ll probably have issues after 4 years and a day, I would pass. Any other opinions? I’d bet that maintenance and repairs on a camera over 4 years will be less than $200.

  3. Hi, thanks for your interesting lessons,the concept of light… I can see myself progressing from a good better photographer.

    Thank you Regards

  4. Wow, this is so helpful! I’m just a high schooler, but I’ve been in love with photography for a while. I’ve been wanting to seriously study photography, but I don’t have the resources to pay for classes. I can’t even explain how helpful these lessons are or how happy I am to have stumbled upon this website! I will definitely keep going! 🙂

  5. It is fabulous and brilliant. I don’t have basic understanding of photography. Just I was interested in taking some good photos and slowly started taking family photos.

  6. Though I have been into photography for many years, and have been paid to shoot weddings and other events – I also love to learn more about my favorite passion. This site is well thought out, easy to understand and I will be sharing it with my 18 year old son who once shot a friends’ wedding and came out with some great shots – but like me can always make room to learn more. So, put your money back in your pocket and sit back and enjoy the lessons – very worth your time to do so.

  7. So far I am actually able to follow this.. unlike some other courses I have attempted to take.. Thanks

  8. this site is fantastic! its very helpful for a newbie in photography like me… i’ll recommend this site to some of my friends! ^_^

  9. As a retired police officer, I have taken many photography classes but never received the basics of light as you described here. I can only imagine how much better my crime scene photos would have been if I had!

  10. Thank you for your website. I looked at many sites to get a good firm handle on learning how to take great photos, but this is the best. Thank you again.

  11. Just one word- wow!
    Thanks a ton to d authors n makers of this website.. Cant wait to go through all d lessons.. Everythng so simply explained! Photography is my passionate hobby esp. wildlife photography.. But had never known d basics. Thank u so much. Do u provide special information to improve wildlife photography?

  12. This is great, I am new to Photography and am developing this skill as part of my Silver Arts Award at school. The information is good although it took a couple of times reading it through to understand it fully.

  13. I love to take pictures. Just a hobby, but now that I’m retired would love to learn more. I am so crazy about some of the whimsical Artography out there, I guess that’s my desire in the end. We’re just talking hobby I think, but who knows? Ha! I have never had any lessons of any kind, am not looking for a degree or anything but would dearly love to get into this.

  14. I just have a sony cyner shot camera 14.1 mega pixels but i want to get my first real camera to start learning and taking photos and hopefully become a photographer during my fun time .can anyone suggest what camera i should start with

  15. This is very simple and well phrased. I am very interested to see if a lesson on reading a histogram will follow.

  16. I’m a beginner photography and I am wondering if this is right class for me…I Have a slightly older Kodak Z740 with 10 optical zoom…Also has complete manual settings, also has if you pick one like aperture it will automatically set the other two for you…I’ve taken about 2000 pictures all with automatic settings…I want to learn what P.A.S.M. is and all the other goodies…I’m kinda old (57) but willing to give it my all…I’m disabled and have plenty of time… Is this a good place for me to start learning or would you suggest some-thing else…Thanks and “GOD BLESS”…Bruce Morrette

  17. really love taking pictures but never got the hang of it.I now understand the concept of the light
    good simple explanations always encourage learners like me to go on
    thanks a bunch

  18. I’ve had a camera since I can remember, but only recently became serious about photography when my husband came home with a DSLR camera. I’ve checked out blogs, looked up some very expensive classes that didn’t see to be geared toward someone who wanted basic, clear, practical lessons. I’m so excited about this free, easy to follow, accessible site. Thank you for providing such an invaluable service!

  19. Have bought a Nikon DSLR D5100 and wanting to learn about the Basics of good photography, i am sure this site will help me fulfil this thank you

  20. After searching the web for 2 days, I came to find this gem of a site tucked quietly away. I had started with film photography in high school, but soon left it for life. Now too many years later, the photography bug bite me and I am starting with a Nikon DSLR D3200. I am so glad to have found this site that introduces people into the basics of photography without overwhelming them. I am sure that his site is going to be an excellent source of learning both now and in the future. Thank you for the great work!

  21. I have been looking and looking for the right teaching/training module and course for me to learn more and enhance my photography skills and knowledge. others offer help but they will make you go around circles… this one is more straight forward in teaching. thank you so much and God bless.

  22. Am planning to buy a aim and shoot camera. I was told that the best one available was the LUMIX FZ200. Please confirm if this is good.
    I intend to do travel photography along with travel writing and am very sure after lesson 1 (which was extremely well explained)that I will benefit a great deal by going through all your lesons. Thanks very much and hope to hear from you about the Lumix FZ200 Camera.

  23. I have been interested in photography as hobby for some time now. This online course will teach me sooo much and possibly put ahead of the game if I still feel as though I need an additional course. So far, so good! Besides…You can’t beat FREE anywhere, let alone expert teaching, WOW! I can’t thank you enough for sharing your expertise, and free of charge at that. This will certainly help someone like me determine if this is something I’d want to turn into a career. Thanks Again!

  24. Lesson #1 was very interesting to say the least. I’m still wrapping my mind around the electro-magnetic spectrum.

  25. As a former film (35mm] hobbyist I’m looking forward to diving into DSLR work. I never took a formal lesson but managed to produce a number of more than acceptable works. I used Minolta equipment; 3 bodies, half dozen lenses, flashes etc. Had a darkroom ; Durst enlarger, Cibachrome color. Now it’s been years since switching to point and shoot stuff and I want to get back to SLR photography. I’ve forgotten most of what I knew second hand and think this course can bring me back up to speed.

  26. compelling that light, and pigment can be used to make a new colour, especially one that one would never suspect could be created,

  27. Thank you very much for posting this course. It is very easy to follow, and I am a very beginner. I like the way you start with the very basics.

  28. Um, nice explaination except I’m really pretty sure that between blue and violet waves, there are indigo. You know, ROY G. BIV. Is indigo just not important in this explaination. Do camera’s not read indigo? I don’t know much about cameras, but I do know light. Nice course.

  29. I’m happy to see how simply this course is broken down. I’m hoping it will help me to quickly learn to use my camera. Thank you!

  30. Great course. I read some of the tips and applied them to a photo I staged at a bar with a broken wine glass and a hand written Dear John letter. I posted it to facebook and the response was immediate and amazing.

  31. Hey,

    Nice photography information! Really helpful and amazing! One question though, I don’t have the type of camera you have. What should I do because those cost extremely a lot.

    Thank You,
    Samantha J

  32. I am enrolled in a photography class. I could not understand a single word they are saying, but I still attend. I thank God I found your website. Your teaching instructions are very clear. Your illustrations makes everything understandable. What my teachers are saying make sense now. Thank you again.


  33. just what I was looking for to know the basics and learn and know what for photography I actually shuld… great content… I am on it till the end… thanks to the administrators of the site..cheers

  34. Very useful lesson for a beginner like me. Explained very well and now I understand about the connection of the light and the focus point. Sometimes I have a lot of out of focus fotos.

    Thank you very much to share this knowledge to us.

  35. The information is awesome. The concepts dealt in lesson 1 clears lot of doubts that we had till date. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    This one concept mentioned in the lesson 1 is not very clear for me. Please help me to understand. – “all the rays coming toward the camera from the subject meet at one point; the focal point on the film”

    It is said – “meet at one point ” – the focal point – is it exactly 1 point – which is very close to aperture. or the focal point and film plane are one and the same. Kindly clarify.

    Thanking you in advance.

    1. Thanks Vibha! The vocal point is the part of the film plane where the image is in focus. From the article: “So, being in focus simply means moving the lens elements forward or backward until all the rays coming toward the camera from the subject meet at one point; the focal point on the film.” So the focal point is on the film plane.

  36. Thanks…i love this website. I love this teaches every thing i need to know about photography and its related sciences and techniques…..i find it very useful.

  37. I love this website. It is always good to go back to the basics no matter what. I am a professional photographer of landscapes. I live in Southern California and while on assignment, I was approached by a woman, who turned out to be a well known celebrity. She asked me to take some shots of her and her child on the beach. I did and was really surprised as to the difficulty I had in setting up for the shot. I never had the formal training for this kind of photography. I stumbled across this site and read the lighting chapter and saw it was as easy as the nose on my face. The shot came out so well, I now am on call for my new friend and about twenty of her friends in her circle for doing family portraits and head shots.

  38. I have been interested in photography all my life however I never though I could do it are even afford it but now thanks to this sight I thank I might actually be able to. I might actually be able to make a profession out of what I love that I has always just been a hobby and I thought would always be.

  39. Where have you been all my life! Thank you so much! I’m moving on to lesson #2 🙂

  40. You are awesome. Thank you so much for your courses. I got a Canon 1d MkiiN from a friend of mine and am jumping into this with both feet. Again, thank you for your course and for making it easy for me to understand.

  41. An awesome course. I took photography classes when I was in high school (a long time ago) and am now finding a renewed interest in the art. I knew I needed a “refresher” and am so glad I happened upon your course. Starting from the beginning again and looking forward to it.

  42. Came across this site today. I need to do my own photo shoot because I am a artist. Every where you need to pay. From a this side of the world money is tight and photos are expensive. Found myself a second hand camara Panasonic DMC-FZ7. Look like a nice camara for a beginner. Only problem the battery does not last to long. Took some photos but boy they are not to good. Now I am going to follow your course and lets see what will happen.

  43. Thanks for the free course. Looking forward to learning how to take better photos.

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📸 Interested in headshot photography? Check out this podcast episode with Joe Jenkins!


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