34 Top Photography Trends in 2025

16 min read

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Companies are always looking for photographers who can produce images that reflect top photography trends.

No matter what kind of photography you specialize in, it’s likely that you’ll find a relevant trend for it.

If you want to challenge yourself and learn more about the art of taking meaningful photographs, make sure to familiarize yourself with some of the hottest photography trends of this year.

1. Self-Portraiture

When taken the right way, self portraits can tell an interesting story about the model and the world around them. This is particularly helpful when you’re taking stock photos or creating stock videos. You don’t need to look for models or limit yourself in any way.

man taking selfies indoors.

Self-portraiture comes with its challenges, though. If you want to take your selfie skills to the next level, make sure to join our premium self-portraiture course. We’ll introduce you to the fundamentals of self-portrait photography and help you take stunning photographs of yourself using natural light and everyday objects.

2. Authenticity

If you’re interested in portrait photography, take note of this trend! Authenticity is a world of its own that started developing a few years ago. Companies often search for real-life images that reflect honesty and openness.

authentic and candid portrait of Asian family.

The key is to have candid photoshoots. Don’t ask your models to pose for you. Take spontaneous photos of the people around you. To make this easier, shoot using a zoom lens to create a comfortable distance between yourself and your model.

3. Mental Health

This is a sub-division of the authenticity trend that is incredibly popular. In the last few years, people have been working hard to destigmatize mental health and to inspire people to be more open about their experiences.

women practising self-care outdoors.

There are many ways to approach this subject. You can use dark and moody lighting to create a sense of sadness in your images. Alternatively, you can take photographs of people engaging in self-care or doing something that benefits their mental health.

4. Personal Photography Projects

You can use personal photography projects to experiment with different photography trends or to set exciting new trends of your own.

This usually involves committing to a long-term project, such as the 52 Week Photography Project or the 365 Photography Project. If you take some time on a daily or weekly basis to improve your photography skills, you’re likely to find a lot of inspiration and ideas that will help you take your portfolio to the next level.

photographer taking outdoor photos for photography trends.

This is especially helpful if you want to pursue stock photography. Stock photography usually requires persistence and the ability to come up with original ideas. The more subjects you can photograph efficiently, the easier it will be for you to thrive in this industry.

5. Community Building

Community is at the heart of many photography trends. Many companies are looking for photographs in which people are happily interacting with one another, sharing ideas, and having a fun time.

You can attend events or join photography groups in your area to make the most of this trend.

colourful shot of people hugging.

Another way to approach this trend is to join an online photography community. You might meet somebody that you can collaborate with in real life. In our online community, you can receive constructive criticism, submit your photographs for editing, and make international friends.

6. Film Photography

Film photography has become increasingly popular in the past few years. Its nostalgic effect and unpredictability have made it an inspiration for professional and amateur photographers alike.

example of film photography trend.

Similarly, film cameras have become a trend of their own. Take still photos of film cameras or photograph people holding them outdoors. If you’re into post production, add some grain or a light leak to your photographs to give them a nostalgic look.

7. Minimalism

One of the top photo trends, minimalism offers many photography opportunities. No matter what subject you photograph, make sure to use simple lighting and a simple backdrop.

photography trend minimalism shot of birds sitting on a wire.

Work with neutral colors, like grey and beige, to give your photographs a soft and visually aesthetic look. Edit your photographs minimally and leave room for negative space in your compositions.

8. Still Life Photography

Still life photography is an artistic approach to non-living objects. Unlike product photography, it aims to create a moodier atmosphere and tell a story.

still life photo of oranges and a jug.

When you take photographs of objects, make sure to experiment with natural light. Window light can be a great starting point for beautiful still life photographs.

Focus on creating a harmonious composition with complementary colors. Like minimalism, this genre thrives in a simple environment.

9. Product Photography

Taking photos of products has never been more popular. Companies are always looking for professional photographers who can take visually appealing photos of jewelry, clothing, food, and many other things.

creative product photo of shoe and apricots.

Product photography can be simple or creative. You can shoot in a studio with a simple background. Alternatively, you can create commercial product photos for advertisements. The latter is usually much more artistic. In most cases, it involves vibrant colors and props that complement the product.

Eye-catching product photos that have bright colors and a fun story to tell are very popular at the moment. If you’re interested in taking product photos with attitude, you should consider pursuing commercial product photography this year.

10. 360° Photography

360° photographs are made of separate photographs that are stitched together. As its name suggests, 360° photography captures an entire location in 360 degrees, which can provide users with a unique viewing experience online. You might have come across this type of photography on Instagram or Facebook, where the genre is gaining popularity.

panoramic 360 photography trend example.

This technique is helpful in real estate and interior photography. Clients can get an idea of what a location is like without leaving their homes.

To take photographs for this trend, you can use a fisheye lens, a specialised 360° camera, or a smartphone camera with a dedicated 360° panorama app. Affinity Photo and Adobe Photoshop offer editing tools for panoramic photographs of this kind.

11. Smartphone Photography

Thanks to the rise of better phone cameras and social media, smartphone photography is becoming more and more popular. There are many trending photography themes within this genre that you can use to take your photography portfolio to the next level.

smartphone camera and tripod in outdoor setting.

To make the most of this trend, use a manual camera app. This will give you access to advanced camera settings such as shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. If your phone’s camera has a limited aperture, you can buy an external lens for it.

Lenses of this sort usually give photographers the ability to take extreme close-ups of details. You can also find telephoto, fisheye, and wide angle lenses for almost any smartphone camera.

12. Experimental Photography

Experimental photography is an exciting art form for anyone who enjoys leaving their comfort zone. This genre doesn’t follow traditional rules. It often involves unconventional photography techniques, such as motion blur in portraits and double exposures.

example of experimental photography trend.

If you want to develop a unique photography style and create unforgettable photographs, this genre is for you. Start by leaving your comfort zone and photographing everyday objects in unusual ways. Intentionally move your camera as you press the shutter to create motion blur. Shoot from extreme angles. Try to give viewers a completely different and refreshing perspective.

13. Fashion and Nature

Fashion photography trends are always evolving. In recent years, the relationship between nature and fashion has become a great source of inspiration for many photographers. Runway shows often focus on nature-related themes. Use the colors and textures from these shows as inspiration for your photoshoots.

fashion portrait of model in nature.

When possible, leave the studio and take outdoor portraits. You can still use artificial lights, but make it a priority to highlight the relationship between humans and nature in your images.

14. Bird’s Eye View

Drone photography, also known as aerial photography, is becoming more and more popular thanks to the advancement of drone technology. Taking pictures from a bird’s eye view has never been easier, thanks to this.

aerial shot of road and forest.

If you have a drone, make sure to use it in different locations. The more diversity you create in your online portfolio, the easier it will be for you to improve your photography skills and grow your business. Take photographs directly above a location to give it a unique and otherworldly look.

Many professional photographers offer drone wedding photography as a separate service. If you’re interested in taking your wedding photographs to the next level, you should definitely contribute to this trend.

15. Portrait Orientation

Portrait shots are usually taken vertically in portrait orientation. You can apply this technique to other genres of photography, such as street photography.

person holding camera in portrait orientation.

Many stock photographers who work for publishing companies primarily shoot in portrait orientation mode because it gives designers enough space to add text to their photos. When you take photographs vertically, intentionally create negative space in your image to allow room for text and other kinds of designs.

Vertical photographs also come in handy on social media platforms like Instagram. Because they take up more space than a narrow photograph, they stand out more on the home feed. This is a great way to grab your followers’ attention and stand out from other photographers on social media.

Learn more about landscape vs. portrait orientation here.

16. Wide Aperture

A wide aperture, or a low f-number, creates a soft background blur. This can make any subject look more flattering and blur out distractions in the background. Genres like landscape photographs and real estate photography usually require more detailed compositions. As a result, a narrow aperture is required.

wide aperture shot of woman outdoors.

A wide aperture is more suitable for photos of people, objects, and animals. For example, if you’re taking outdoor family portraits, an aperture of f/2.5 will separate your models from the background and add depth to your image.

You can merge this theme with other trends in photography. For example, you can use a wide aperture when taking photographs of fashion models.

17. Bright Colours

Interested in capturing bright colours and creating images that pop? This photography trend is perfect for you! No matter what you’re photographing for this trend, prioritise vibrant objects like colourful buildings or pieces of art.

close-up of camera photographing colourful neon lights.

One of the current most popular photography trends is neon-themed portraits. Take photographs of your model next to a neon sign. This is an unconventional and experimental approach to photography that can help you take outstanding photographs.

Don’t be afraid of experimenting with blues, purples, and oranges. While they may look unflattering in conventional portrait photos, they might complement your model’s features in nighttime conditions.

18. High Contrast

High contrast photography is also known as low key photography in the black & white genre. Photographs of this sort have very dark shadows and very bright highlights. The tonal range is limited, which creates a stunning effect.

photography trend example shot of high contrast photography.

High contrast is one of the top photography trends on this list. To create this look, make sure to work with bright sources of light. Take photographs at noon or use bright artificial lights in a studio. You can use hands, hair, and light projectors to create dark shadows on your subject.

19. Diversity

Similar to authenticity, diversity is all about honest photography. Nowadays, many creative professionals are looking for representation in their fields. If you can offer a diverse collection of photographs that feature different nationalities, ages, and backgrounds, you’ll provide your clients with plenty of exciting options to choose from.

close-up photo of old person's hands.

Even if you’re not looking to sell your photographs on stock websites, diversity is an important topic to consider when building a portfolio. The more diverse your collection of photographs, the more interesting and skilled you’ll be as a photographer.

20. Natural Beauty

Natural beauty is all the rage now. Many companies are looking for raw and unretouched portraits. The more real and authentic a portrait photo is, the higher its chances of being purchased by a company.

close-up of eye covered in freckles.

If you’re a professional photographer who often works with models, you might benefit from looking into this photography trend.

Another factor worth considering is age. Trends in photography come and go, but inclusivity will always be a timeless theme. Instead of focusing on younger models only, take photographs of older people. Skin texture is highly valued in today’s industry, and it’s likely that this will be the case for a very long time.

21. Nostalgia

Many photographers aim to create a sense of nostalgia in their images. You can do this by adding textures, light leaks, and grain to your photographs.

The point of this photography trend is to highlight something that used to be popular back in the day. Retro-themed cafes, abandoned buildings, and childhood toys are perfect subjects for this type of photography.

nostalgic polaroid photo.

Color correction is an important part of the process. To create a nostalgic feeling in your work, you can convert your photographs to black and white. You can also add a coloured tint to your photographs. Images with a brown or yellow tint have a more nostalgic look than pure black and white photographs.

When editing coloured photographs, you can create a nostalgic effect by changing the colour of your shadows and highlights. Subtle yellow highlights and brown shadows can make a big difference in your work.

22. Environmental Photography

Environmental photography highlights the impact of civilization on nature. It raises awareness of things like climate change and waste production. Some of the top environmental photographers have been able to educate others on things that they weren’t familiar with before or change their minds about a controversial topic.

environmental photograph depicting waste production.

As far as trends in photography go, environmentalism is undoubtedly one of the most influential ones. As an environmental photographer, it’s your job to highlight local or global issues that need improvement.

23. Outdoor Photography

Photographs taken in the natural world are always in demand. Use this as an excuse to spend more time outdoors, even if it means going for a short walk in your neighborhood!

wide shot of winter landscape.

You don’t need to go to extravagant locations to take beautiful photographs of nature. Capture patterns and vivid colors. Create depth in your photographs by experimenting with foregrounds and blurred backgrounds.

With practice, you’ll be able to produce beautiful nature shots that will contribute to the trends in today’s photography industry.

24. HDR Photography

As you pursue outdoor photography, consider improving your skills in HDR photography. HDR stands for high dynamic range. The more tones and details there are in your images, the more appealing and professional they’ll look.

nighttime HDR photograph.

To create high dynamic range photos, you need to capture multiple exposures of the same scene and merge them in an editing program like Adobe Lightroom. Use a tripod to avoid creating a glitchy HDR effect in your photographs.

HDR mode is available in some professional cameras and most smartphone cameras. In HDR mode, your camera will take at least 3 photographs of the same scene using different exposure settings. (Note: HDR mode in smartphones usually doesn’t work the same way. It automatically adds more texture to a scene without creating multiple exposures.)

25. Videography

camera screen preview of recording process in videography.

While videography isn’t directly related to photography, it’s becoming a very popular trend in the stock photography industry. More and more stock companies are offering dynamic video files along with stock imagery.

It’s an option worth exploring if your camera allows it. Instead of taking still photos, you can tell a deeper story about any subject by filming it. Stock footage tends to be more expensive than stock photos, too.

26. Surrealism

surreal photography trend featuring a woman and a planet.

Photo editing has been an important part of some industries for a while. Even though retouching skin isn’t a huge trend right now, creating surreal photographs is an option for anyone who enjoys the art of post production.

This kind of photography usually requires the use of an editing program. Using a few advanced Photoshop tricks, you can transform simple images into fantastical photographs that reflect your inner world or the state of the world around you.

27. AI-Enhanced Photography

Some may find it hard to fathom, but artificial intelligence is real. So, for photographers, this is a brave new world as AI apps start to do things we currently do by hand. Cameras will be upgraded with this new technology. It will assess exposure, fix colors, and balance shadows and highlights. It can enhance resolution, suggest edits during post-production based on your style, automate processes, and so on.

With AI-enhanced images easier to acquire, photographers can concentrate on expressing their creative vision.

Much of this is already in play. Digital cameras that eliminate red-eye have been around for more than twenty years. Recently, AI-assisted auto-focus systems have been able to identify objects and focus on the eye. Smartphones automatically adjust settings based on light, scene, and subject. AI streamlines workflows and inspires innovative image-capture approaches.

This trend is not just about improving technical aspects; it’s also about empowering photographers to explore new artistic avenues. With this new freedom comes added responsibility. The line between photographic artistry and AI manipulation is becoming blurred. Transparency is critical, so be open about AI’s role in your images.

28. Sustainability In Photography

Awareness of how our presence affects the planet is gaining acceptance in the photography industry. Photographers adopt eco-friendly practices, which are more than what’s fashionable now. This trend follows a general worldwide shift. An IBM report found that a majority of consumers are willing to pay more for environmentally responsible products.

Photographers practice sustainability by reducing waste. Camera gear and computer equipment made from recycled materials minimize waste. Solar power, rechargeable batteries, and other energy-efficient practices conserve resources. Likewise, digital formats reduce the consumption of paper and ink.

In addition, photographers raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage positive change through their images. Photographic themes that feature conservation, climate change, and loss of wildlife habitat remind us that we all have a responsibility to maintain a habitable planet. Let’s hope the trend continues. A global community of photographers dedicated to sustainability can make a real difference.

29. Hyper-Realistic Portraits in 3D

One of the more recent trends in digital photography, hyperrealism makes the viewer wonder if the result is a visual experience or something that might walk off the page. These highly detailed and photo-realistic portraits typically feature people but may also include everyday objects. This unique representation creates images with exceptional sharpness, clarity, and dynamic range.

As camera and post-processing technology advances, more platforms will become available to deliver hyperrealism, and photographers will be able to produce stunningly lifelike images.

It’s a trend with exciting possibilities for artists and art consumers. Photographers continue to experiment with new techniques that push the boundaries of realism. We can expect portraits that capture a person’s physical features in three-dimensional depth and convey deep emotional narratives. This trend is emerging rapidly and could redefine how we understand portrait photography.

30. Conceptual Photography

An innovative trend, conceptual photography emphasizes the idea behind the image rather than just the visual elements. This pushes photographers to convey deeper meanings and narratives. They infuse their creative work with inspiring concepts. They push the boundaries of what we know about photography, and they challenge viewers to engage with their work on a cerebral level.

Conceptual photography may combine mixed media and digital techniques, resulting in unique storytelling approaches. It is a dynamic form of expression. This trend enriches the photographic landscape. Plus, it fosters a greater appreciation for the artistic process and the message behind the image.

31. Symbolic Photography

Symbolic photography emphasizes using visual metaphors to convey meanings and emotions. Photographers use symbols to tell stories that resonate with viewers.

Artists have used symbols for thousands of years. Cave drawings used shapes such as the hand, triangle, and spiral. By incorporating symbols into their compositions, photographers engage viewers in a more personal dialogue, inviting them to interpret images in their own unique ways.

As this trend develops, photographers explore and experiment with symbols in their compositions. A tree symbolizes life, the moon represents femininity, and a lion is associated with strength. We can also use color and light to create narratives reflecting our experiences. The visual landscape is rich with symbolism, encouraging a more thoughtful engagement with photography as a medium for expression and connection.

32. Inclusive Photography

Inclusion in the modern world means that people of different backgrounds and cultures are accepted and valued. In photography, this trend promises to represent a variety of skin tones, cultures, and lifestyles, capturing the diversity of experiences and identities.

Rather than getting stuck in homogeneity, photographers incorporate diversity into their portfolios. The archetype model is white, tall, and thin. Why not shoot someone with darker skin or a full figure? Inclusive photography encourages participation from a broad cross-section of society in a respectful manner. It moves beyond including the token minority.

When inclusivity becomes a priority, photographers enrich their work and nurture a sense of community and belonging. This shift is reshaping the industry, inspiring new commentaries that reflect the richness of human experience.

33. Adventure Photography

This is not for everyone. But you qualify if you’re somewhere between the bold and the fearless. Mountain climbing, white-water rafting, and underwater photography involve the photographer in the adventure. It’s a rousing trend that feeds the spirit of exploration and takes you to breathtaking locations. The remarkable images that result may inspire others to take the leap, sometimes literally, and pursue adventure photography.

Before you take that leap, prepare. Know what kind of activity you’re getting into and where it occurs. You may want to pack safety equipment and first aid supplies with your camera gear. Since you’re outdoors, you have just one light source. The sun may work with you or against you, depending on the time of day and angles. Let someone in on your plans and have them sound the alarm if you’re not back by a certain time.

The beauty of the natural world and the excitement of extreme activity come together in adventure photography. If that appeals to you, it may be your genre.

34. Human/Technology Interaction

The interaction of humans and technology is an increasing fact of life, and it’s a fascinating trend in the visual arts. Capture the relationship between people and technology.

It shows how devices and digital interfaces impact our lives and find new and creative ways to explore this interaction. Our reliance on technology brings benefits as well as challenges.

This is a fascinating trend that is evolving as technology progresses. The images often provoke thoughts about the balance between human connection and digital engagement, making them compelling subjects for both artists and audiences.

This emerging field not only documents our contemporary reality but also sparks conversations about the future of human interaction in an increasingly digital world.

woman with curly hair taking photos with a smartphone.


The trends in the photography industry are constantly evolving. From honest imagery to outdoor photography, there are many exciting themes you can choose from. It all depends on your goals and creative taste.

If you use social trends as inspiration in your work, you’re likely to find a lot of success. Make sure to experiment with different trends, even those you’re not familiar with, and always be curious. The more you practice different skills, the more interesting and unforgettable your portfolio will be.

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Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.
Taya Iv is a portrait photographer and 500px ambassador. With seven years of experience writing about photography and 15 years behind the camera, she offers a unique combination of expertise and excels as a photo editor.

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